How To Take a Live Transfer Lead Correctly

Why are agents not trained correctly how to answer a live transfer lead the correct way? Well, there isn't one correct way.  It depends on the type of live transfer leads you are taking and some other variables.

Where to Start

The key to answering a live transfer correctly is to be able to verify if they are qualified for your service and then to make sure they are ready to buy today. We can do this 2 ways.

Pitch Start-Verifying They Are a Buyer

Victory Consulting Sends Live Transfer Leads
This type of transitioning from the fronter involves being blunt and to the point. You are confirming they are looking for your services but in a way to get a "yes" out of them. The theory is if you have them saying "yes" to your questions, the chances of a "yes" on a sale increases
and it also keeps you in control of the conversation instead of open questions that let's clients take control of the conversation.

For example: "Hello, you are looking for final expense coverage today, correct?"

Pitch Start-Greeting

Some people take different paths to get to the same place. This type of pitch starts with thanking the client for transferring and asking their name. From there, you are going into your pre-qual questions, confirming they qualify. You can ask them outright or if you have their info in front of you, you can confirm the info with getting "yes's".

For example: "Thank you for transferring, my name is Ed, may I ask who I am speaking with?" then go right into confirming they are qualified. 

Verifying Client is Qualified for your Service

When you are verifying information, you are asking pre qualification questions but you are asking in a way that they answer yes or no. You need to make sure they are worthy of your pitch so do the pre-qual quick and out of the way.

Asking If They Are Read to Buy Today

Before you start to quote pricing and selling them, you need to make sure they are ready to buy today. Many ways to ask.

For example: "Do you have 5 minutes to apply for the coverage and get this going today??" 

Live Transfer Lead Tips to Remember

Try to sound relaxed. Keep your time in mind. Formulate the script and make sure to write it down. Practice with others. A tip I hear a lot is try not to sound to customer service excited but more like you don't care. Just be yourself. Live transfer leads are not a done deal sent to you but by you following these tips, it will help you to pitch people ready to buy. 


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